C (35/254)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:24 Apr 00 at 02:43:35
Subject:ClipBlit vs. BltBitMapRastPort (was: Re: Minterms)

On 23-Apr-00, andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk wrote:

> I have a similar problem, I use this method too - for scrolling
> purposes I use ClipBlit() iwhich seems slightly faster than
> BltBitMapRastPort() (it's still not Mika Hakkinen tho :/ ). I read

That sounds strange -- ClipBlit copies data from a rastport (with clipping) to
a rastport (with clipping) where the latter function ignores clipping for the
source... did you do your tests with AGA?

Regards Allan

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